Insurance For Convicted Drivers
Insurance For Convicted Drivers
Getting insurance at the right price despite convictions Buying insurance for convicted drivers is not normally a great problem but you need to know where to look. There is no point in searching through a normal car insurance price comparison site because they all make certain assumptions when working out their premiums, and one of them, almost invariably, is that the applicant has had no driving offence convictions or pending hearings within the last five years.

There are however a number of companies which specialise in finding reasonable quotations for motorists with convictions. That is not to say that every motorist will receive an offer of cover, or that quotations will be at similar prices to those enjoyed by motorists who have, to be realistic, never been caught speeding or have had the odd glass of wine over the limit.

Some motorists have a record which is so bad that car insurers will not offer them a car insurance policy at any price, but even in these extreme cases all is not necessarily completely lost.
Driving based offences in the United Kingdom come with penalty points, which are added to the individual's driving record once he or she is convicted of the offence.
These penalty points are meant to act as a deterrent, as those who rack up points could find themselves paying higher insurance premiums or having their driving licence disqualified for an extended period.
Because of these points, it makes sense for drivers to take care on the road and to avoid taking risks that could lead to them having points added to their records.
Each year, more than a quarter of a million motorists in the United Kingdom are disqualified from driving.
Periods of suspension range from a matter of days, to months or years, depending on the seriousness of the offence.
For some motoring offences, a driving ban is mandatory.
This means that the court must impose a minimum ban.
For less serious infractions, the court may use its own discretion in determining whether or not to disqualify a motorist from driving.
There are some offences for which it is possible for a disqualified driver to apply for a reduction in the term of a ban.
Motorists serving a ban often ask if they may apply to have their driving privileges restored before the end of the disqualification period.
Under S.42 RTOA 1988, an application to reinstate driving privileges may only be made where the original ban was longer than two years.
In this case, the driver may petition the court who issued the most recent ban, provided a minimum ban has been served.
Half the original length of the disqualification period if the original ban was longer than four years but fewer than ten years.
According to The Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974, also referred to as ROA, people convicted for a crime or offence have the right to start afresh.
The Act stipulates that after a specific amount of time, some convictions are treated as spent.
Once a conviction is spent, it is not mandatory to disclose the conviction.
As the prevailing insurance law in the UK, people applying for insurance have to disclose material facts, including criminal convictions.
However, this refers to unspent convictions.
Receiving a driving ban can be a difficult situation for many people.
In some cases, it can bring about financial hardship, since the individual will have to find alternate methods of transportation.
While the person who receives a driving ban is usually guilty of some sort of driving offence, there may be ways to have the ban reduced or overturned.
In the end, going through the appeals process might help you to get your licence back sooner, which can alleviate some of the hardships from which you are suffering.
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