The inside secrets to getting the very lowest price on insurance quotes for your car. Many factors make your online motor cover cheaper or more expensive. We tell you what influences your policy price and how to get really low priced car insurance quotes for less. Scroll down for our top 10 hints for reducing the price of your quotes. The best way to get the lowest priced car insurance quotes (and you have heard it many times before) is to shop around.
Whether you want to pay monthly or pay annually, if you get ten UK quotes the chances are that the most expensive will cost twice what the least expensive quote costs! The extra effort is worth it. Think how long you would need to work to earn that amount, so spending an hour getting a dozen online car insurance policy quotes can be time well spent.
Try playing around with your job title. If you are a music teacher try teacher, if you are a software engineer, try computer programmer. You'll be surprised how subtle differences can affect your premium.
Whether you want to pay monthly or pay annually, if you get ten UK quotes the chances are that the most expensive will cost twice what the least expensive quote costs! The extra effort is worth it. Think how long you would need to work to earn that amount, so spending an hour getting a dozen online car insurance policy quotes can be time well spent.
Try playing around with your job title. If you are a music teacher try teacher, if you are a software engineer, try computer programmer. You'll be surprised how subtle differences can affect your premium.
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